5.public class MyTagHandler extends TagSupport {
6.public int doStartTag() throws JspException {
7.try {
8.// insert code here
9.} catch(Exception ex) { /* handle exception */ }
10.return super.doStartTag();
11.}...42. }
Which code snippet, inserted at line 8,causes the value foo to be output?()
A.JspWriter w = pageContext.getOut();
C.JspWriter w = pageContext.getWriter();
D.JspWriter w = new JspWriter(pageContext.getWriter()); . w.print("foo");
The h:highlight tag renders its body, highlighting an arbitrary number of words, each of which is passed asan attribute (word1, word2, ...). For example, a JSP page can invoke theh:highlight tag as follows: 11. 12. high medium low 13.
Given that HighlightTag extends SimpleTagSupport,which three steps are necessary to implement the taghandler for the highlight tag?()
A.Add a doTag method
B.Add a doStartTag method
C.Add a getter and setter for the color attribute
D.Create and implement a TagExtraInfo class
E.Implement the DynamicAttributes interface
F.Add a getter and setter for the word1 and word2 attributes
Given an EL function declared with:11. <function>
14.<function-signature> spinIt()
Which two are true?()
A.The function method must have the signature: public String spin().
B.The method must be mapped to the logical name "spin" in the web.xml file.
C.The function method must have the signature: public String spinIt().
D.The function method must have the signature public static String spin().
E.The function method must have the signature: public static String spinIt().
F.The function class must be named Spinner, and must be in the package com.example.
Given a web application in which the cookie userName is expected to contain the name of the user.
Which EL expression evaluates to that user name?()
Given: http://com.example/myServlet.jsp?num=one&num=two&num=three.
Which two produce the output"one, two and three"?()
A.${param.num[0],[1] and [2]}
B.${paramValues[0],[1] and [2]}
C.${param.num[0]}, ${param.num[1]} and ${param.num[2]}
D.${paramValues.num[0]}, ${paramValues.num[1]} and ${paramValues.num[2]}
E.${paramValues["num"][0]}, ${paramValues["num"][1]} and ${paramValues["num"][2]}
11.<% java.util.Map map = new java.util.HashMap();
12.request.setAttribute("map", map);"a", "true");"b", "false");"c", "42"); %>
Which three EL expressions are valid and evaluate to true?()
A.${not map.c}
B.${map.d or map.a}
C.${map.a and map.d}
D.${map.false or map.true}
E.${map.a and map.b or map.a}
Click the 'Select and Place' button.Place the events in the order they occur.
You are building a dating service web site. Part of the form to submit a client’s profile is a groupIIof radio buttons for the person’s hobbies:20.<input type=’radio’ name=’hobbyEnum’ value=’HIKING’>Hiking <br>21.<input type=’radio’ name=’hobbyEnum’ value=’SKIING’>Skiing <br>22.<input type=’radio’ name=’hobbyEnum’ value=’SCUBA’>SCUBA Diving23.<!-- and more options -->After the user submits this form, a confirmation screen is displayed with these hobbies listed. Assume thatan application-scoped variable, hobbies, holds a map between the Hobby enumerated type and the displayname.Which EL code snippet will display Nth element of the user’s selected hobbies?()
You are building your own layout mechanism by including dynamic content for the page’s header and footersections. The footer is always static, but the header generates the <title> tag that requires the page name tobe specified dynamically when the header is imported.Which JSP code snippet performs the import of theheader content?()
Which ensures that a JSP response is of type "text/plain"?()
Click the ’Select and Place’ button.Place the events in the order they occur.
Click the ’Select and Place’ button.Place the events in the order they occur.
Click the 'Select and Place' button.Place the events in the order they occur.
You are building a web application with a scheduling component. On the JSP, you need to show the currentdate, the date of the previous week, and the date of the next week. To help you present this information,you have created the following EL functions in the ’d’ namespace: name: curDate; signature: java.util.DatecurrentDate() name: addWeek; signature: java.util.Date addWeek(java.util.Date, int) name: dateString;signature:java.util.String getDateString(java.util.Date)Which EL code snippet will generate the string for the previousweek?
Given a web application in which the request parameter productID contains a product identifier.Which twoEL expressions evaluate the value of the productID?()
Click the ’Select and Place’ button.Place the events in the order they occur.